The entrance to the site provides a new bungalow which sits within the existing streetscape whilst reflecting some of the materiality of the main site. Attenuation and drainage strategy with integrated SUDs is located along the entrance route creating a natural landscaped feel to the development.
The scheme offers bespoke design of the house types and apartments which respond to modern living with open plan living / kitchen dining spaces and large windows to allow maximum daylighting. The houses and apartments have a combination of red, buff and grey brick which provides variety and interest along the streets and respond to the local context within the village. The roof form has been orientated to provide south facing roofs to enhance sustainability measures. This also creates a mixture of gable fronted and sloping roofs according to siting. Bungalows at the edge of the development are clad in dark grey / black timber boarding to create a barn style agricultural dwellings.
Located off Shefford Road in Meppershall, Central Bedfordshire the proposals will create 44no. high-quality, contemporary 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed dwellings on 2.3
hectares of grazing land. The proposal provides: 35% affordable housing provision, 10% self-build plots, 5% M4 (3) wheelchair accessible homes, a mixture of on plot and street car parking locations and on plot cycle and refuse storage in line with local planning policy.
The scheme has a contemporary approach to the site layout with a linear spine road leading to generous play area and POS with an emphasis on biodiversity net gains and ecological enhancements. The layout paid consideration to the protected views & visual impact on the surrounding countryside. The built form is set back from the northern field boundary with lower scale barn style bungalows located at the edge of the development to minimise the impact of the development and retain the visual amenity from public rights of way along the fields beyond. The site links into the footpath network and allows connections to adjacent recent developments. Overall the scheme delivers a density of 19 DPH.